Sunday 24 January 2016

Not running

I've not been a very happy bunny recently. I injured my leg during an 8 mile run two weeks ago and I don't know what it is or how to fix it. And whilst I am typing about this, can we just take a moment to wonder why physio is so bloody expensive? 40 quid or more just to have some person poke and pull your leg a bit to confirm there is a problem and you need to keep coming back every week to fork out more money....I am in the wrong job!

I didn't ever think to put money aside for an injury. I've been running two years and although I know no one is immune to injuries, I was quite lucky in that I didn't have any issues apart from a pulled muscle at the start of my training, which was easily fixed. I guess I started to feel immune and that I could run as much as I wanted without nothing going wrong. I wasn't completely relaxed though. I still stretched after every run and invested in a foam roller - I even started doing exercises a few months ago to strengthen my core. In doing all this, an injury was far from my mind.

So when I returned from the my run 2 weeks ago and felt pain in my right shin, I wasn't too concerned at first. I figured it would pass within a day or so. Even when I was literally limping to Tescos with my housemate to buy hot chocolate and Avocados (as you do...) I said to her I was fine and that the pain would soon go. Looking at me with concern and suggesting she fetch the car to drive me home, I knew she didn't believe me but I had faith.

A few days later I was managing to walk but there was still pain. When I tried to run it was even worse. That's when I realised it wasn't going to go away on its own. I spoke to others and they said I probably had shin splints. In a panic I googled my symptoms and actually convinced myself I had a stress fracture. I headed straight to the walk-in centre in Nottingham one Friday night and waited 3 hours to see someone who could do nothing for me other than recommend rest, pain killers and to see my GP if nothing improved.

Frustrated as hell I went to my GP and was still none the wiser after seeing her. She prescribed anti-inflammatory pills, rest and that if it didn't feel better after a couple of weeks she could refer me to a specialist. Why, I wondered, she couldn't do it there and then I do not know. I left and headed to the chemist for the pills which I am now taking and though they make me queasy, they do ease the pain. But I know it is still there and its pissing me off.

I have always loved running and what it does for my anxiety and depression. Yet I never realised just how much I relied on it to make me feel better when work or personal stuff was starting to bring me down. It was my way of coping, my guaranteed mood booster that lessened the burden on my shoulders.

I ran for that buzz and I now I miss it like crazy. I have been doing other exercises such as cycling, rowing and cross training, but nothing I have tried so far brings me the same satisfaction as running does. I find myself restless and emotional. Its only been a fortnight and I want to be better already. I want to be out there again but my leg won't allow it.

I just wish I knew what it was. If I knew what I was dealing with, I could take the correct steps towards healing but right now it is just a guessing game. And annoyingly whilst I am not running, I am becoming more and more grumpy and stressed.

I am an impatient person when it comes to not doing something I love. Therefore I am booking myself in for physio despite the blow my purse will take. Though I know I can do it through the NHS, it will no doubt take weeks or months before I see someone. I want this sorted. I want to be out there again along with all the other runners I see every day, whom I look at with overwhelming jealousy.

Until next time...

F x

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