Sunday, 31 May 2015


Hello, welcome to my blog...whoever is reading this :)

As you can see from the name, I do quite like cats and tattoos. This blog won't be all about those things though, fear not. I won't repeatedly post photos of cats and tattoos...I started this blog to write about my life, which sounds so self indulgent but I figured that whatever is going on with me is probably happening to a lot of other people out there too.

Here is a brief intro...

My name is Fran. I am a single 27 year old with a cat and several tattoos. I want to write about things on my mind; things that bug me, things that I love and things that I don't get. You can expect to see posts about dating, food, mental health issues and anything else I feel like writing about.

I hope you enjoy what I discuss and stick around.

F x